
Outreach & Advocacy

Purpose: The purpose of the Outreach & Advocacy Subcommittee is to provide a platform for enabling effective outreach of AeroGSAC to within the department and outside the department (i.e. University-wide setting), and is to also provide a platform for effectively projecting a voice, in an appropriate setting. The advocacy aspect is split into three subgroups: Administrative, Diversity, and Interdisciplinary Exposure.

Social Exposure

Purpose: The purpose of the Social Exposure Subcommittee is to provide a platform for exposing the graduate  students  to  a  variety  of  social  settings;  to  ultimately  enhance  their  graduate  experience at UIUC. Past social engagements include Murphy’s social evening, bowling, chilli-cookout, movie nights, etc.

Professional Exposure

Purpose: The purpose of the Professional Exposure subcommittee is to provide a platform for exposing the graduate students to a variety of professional settings. Past professional engagements include student lunch seminars, non-technical seminars/Q&A sessions, roundtable discussions with experts, etc.

Community Collaboration and Development

Purpose: The purpose of the Community Collaboration & Development subcommittee is to work on creating a collaboration platform and maintaining that platform which encourages excellence, and which strives towards making a positive impact on the community.